Wednesday, July 01, 2009

All Things Lime at The Secret Stitch Club

Please stop over to this blog where you will find a delicious step-by-step recipe for Key Lime Cupcakes and a giveaway for a bright, cheerful lime-colored apron.
Find it at The Secret Stitch Club blog.

Sheree's Alchemy

Sheree is a a delightful presence in the sewing world.
Not only does she create beautiful quilts, clothing and totes, but she also designs her own patterns.
Additionally, she is sharing her passion for sewing by offering classes to kids.
I was involved in a swap with her a couple years ago and was tickled with the fabric fat quarters she sent me.
She is also so very generous and has numerous giveaways for fabric and patterns.
This week she is featuring a giveaway with a box stuffed with delicious fabric scraps and an Amy Butler patterns, see the photo below.
Check out her giveaway at her blog.
Also visit her shop where she sells her amazing creations. She has another shop featuring fabrics.