Sunday, June 14, 2009

Summer Sewing For Noray

I found this fabric while out shopping with my Aunt and my Gramma.
We don't usually have character stuff as we watch little TV and do not have cable or satellite. However, Noray was given a Strawberry Shortcake doll and blanket for her 1st birthday and she loves them.

She sleeps with them both at night and has to be covered with her blanket no matter how warm it is.
She calls Strawberry Shortcake "Cookie".
I thought it would be fun to sew up some summer clothes with this light cotton fabric.

This sweet fabric is a bright sunny yellow. It says, "Jesus and me", "He is Love", "He gives me friends that make me laugh."

This is the pattern I plan to use for shorts and shirts.
I'll also be making sundresses and matching bloomers. Noray loves dresses and wears one nearly every day..

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